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8/9/09 - Make it easy to be contacted


When you send out an email, be sure to include a signature and make sure it has all the information on how to find you.


What is a signature you ask....


That is what your email client adds to each email you write. 

In Yahoo mail - click on options (or mail options), then click on signature, a box will appear, enter your info.

In Outlook - click on Tools, then Options, then Signatures, you can then add a new one. 

Other on help if you can not find it.


What do you include in your signature?

Name (Put down what you want people to call you, not necessarily your full name)

your profession or title (what do you want to be know as...or leave blank)

email address (make it easy for your email address to be seen and copied if needed.)

phone (list what ever numbers you will be is OK to list more than one...i.e. home / cell)

your linked in address (if someone wants to find out about you...make it easy.)

do you have a blog? list the address (once again to make it easy to be found.)


Here is a sample:

John Smith (could have used Jonathan Quincey Smith...but I go by John.)

Sales Professional (aren't we all in sales...selling our self)

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Twitter: johnqsmith


If you want to add color or bolding or different size text, you can do that also.


Just make it easy for some one to reach you.