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4/15/12 - Should I tell my references that they may be contacted?

by Jeff Morris, Founder of CareerDFW


A couple of weeks ago, a member of the North Dallas Career Focus group came to the Friday meeting and said, "I had an great interview this week and gave my references to the company. Should I let my references know?"


The only answer is YES!


Why do you say yes? I·already get permission from the references to use their names. Yes, you did, but when you let your references know they may be contacted for a specific job, you are setting yourself up for success.


When you give out references to a company, as soon as possible (that day), send your references an email (or call them), let them know who you gave their name to, the company and what the position is you are applying for.·Tell your references·a few talking points about the job or what you found out in the interview that your·references could use in a conversation.


This is also a good time to make sure the references' contact info is still correct, maybe someone is·on vacation, in the hospital·or on a project and will be inaccessible. Be sure to·follow up with the person you gave the references to and let them know that person x is not available or here is updated contact info.


Wouldn't it be great if the reference would say something like, Joe is great, he really does a great job at X (x being what keeps the interviewer up at night.) Or his best skills are x, y and z (x, y and z being a few of the key requirements of the job.)


Your resume hooked the employer in and got you the interview, you did great in the interview and now do not drop the ball, make sure that your references know what is going on and they may be able to help push you over the top to get the job by providing an informed,·pertinent information during the reference.


Even if you have not given out your references name in a while, you never can go wrong making contact with your references. Keep in touch.


Wouldn't you like to know why someone is calling you? Wouldn't you love to help someone else who is using you for a reference by providing truthful information that is relevant? When they get a job, it is a great feeling to know that you helped someone.
