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Career Groups or Job Clubs

Find the Career Group or Job Club in your area.

 Atlanta, GA area

Chicago, IL area

Cleveland, OH area

Dallas / Fort Worth TX area When you go to the site, click on the calendar or group tab. 

Houston TX area 

Kansas City area 

Minneapolis / St. Paul, MN - Click here.  Be sure to scroll down the webpage for "Master Networking list"

New Jersey area 

Philadelphia PA (Metro...including Trenton NJ and Princeton NJ)

Raleigh North Carolina - These groups are part of Career Connection

San Antonio, TX area

Tampa Bay, FL

Tulsa, OK

Networking Groups Listed on the Landing Expert website - Groups listed are in CT, DE, GA, MD, NJ, NY, PA

Don't see your city or area? - we are looking for a volunteer in your area to maintain a calendar of events. Contact Jeff at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  if you are interested.