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4/18/10 - Importance of Networking - Bypass HR



Last weekend, I visited with  a friend who is an engineer with Qualcomm (now HP) in Austin.  I mentioned my recent speech to a networking group. 


He immediately, said that nearly all the hiring now is done through networking.  He said that networking is how his company finds the best candidates.  The hiring managers ask colleagues both within the company and from outside about other engineers.  He said the HR group was largely left out of the process. 


His advice is immediately go meet with your employed friends and industry contacts.  Go out to lunch at least once a day every day. Let them know what type of position and companies you are looking for.


I hope this serves as a reinforcement of what was shared with the group and a reminder to adjust your search tactics.


Sumitted by David Ellis, Director Technology Marketing & Redevelopment, Plano Economic Development Board, Inc.