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9/20/09 - Back up your job search stuff.

Back up your job search stuff.


Things always go wrong when you least expect it.


Those resumes and coverletters and saved job postings have key information on them. The jobs open up again. People ask for contacts at companies. You had a special resume for a special interview and suddenly you have lost your computer. Do you show up with a different resume? Do you forget what you said in a cover letter and the hiring manager asks about it and your "forgot".


NOT if you backed up your stuff and have copies with you.


Remember that computer you have at home is just a back up your best computer was at work and work backed it up automatically.


How many horror stories have you heard about computer crashes? None right?


Oh and don't forget our friends at Texas Workforce Commission. You need to prove up your stuff. Think they will accept your, "Sorry my computer broke and I lost all those files."


Ok, no I haven't had a recent crash. But if you want to talk history it happened. It is very simple just put your job search stuff on a removable media.


John G. - Providing solutions in Accounts Receivable, Credit and Collections, and Cash Applications