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11/8/09 - 7 Ways to Boost Your Job Search Confidence

7 Ways to Boost Your Job Search Confidence


In today’s job market where demand far exceeds supply of jobs, jobseekers need an edge. Jobseekers who are confident about their skills and capabilities have a greater chance of successfully ending their job search. Below are seven approaches jobseekers can use to develop or enhance their confidence simultaneously as they conduct their job search.


1. Believe in yourself and your abilities - you must believe that you are the ideal employee who can produce great results for your targeted employers. You can accomplish this by minimizing doubt, viewing failure as a temporary setback, and looking for the good in every adverse situation. Also surround yourself with confident people and participate in positive mental attitude activities.


2. Develop or revisit your career plan - next adjust or map out your career path. You must determine where you want to go and the actions you need to take to acquire your career aspirations. This exercise will help you focus on potential opportunities that will keep your career on track – maintaining or growing your confidence in the process.


3. Determine the required skills and capabilities - next identify the technical, soft, and personal skills and capabilities you need to move from the beginning to the end of your career plan. You can acquire this information by conducting external research and interviewing professionals who are where you want to be in your career.


4. Identify your strengths and weaknesses - pinpoint areas of strength and weakness for each of the competencies and qualifications you need to achieve your career goals. For each skill and capability, determine which ones are either your greatest assets or areas for improvement.


5. Develop methodology for previous capability and skill usage - create outlines for the processes you used to produce great results for your previous employers. These outlines will help you produce work that at least meets your future employers’ expectations especially when you encounter unfamiliar territory in your career. For example, you could have identified potential solutions, conducted analyses to prioritize these resolutions, gained stakeholder buy-in throughout the process, and executed the best solution(s) to solve problems.


6. Locate resources and access to help - compile all of the relevant resources you can store on a computer such as training material including eBooks, industry and analyst reports, notes, previous work, and so on. Also bookmark websites that provide relevant online databases and free assistance from subject matter experts for all of your required technical, soft, and/or personal skills. These resources will provide you with assistance whenever you need it.


7. Participate in professional and personal development - consistently engage in professional and personal development activities which can include formal and informal hands-on training to acquire and/or strengthen your required skills and capabilities. You could also participate in pro bono (or volunteer) and/or consulting assignments and work in teams with confident individuals who are strong in your areas of weakness.


I strongly suggest you listen to Ford Myer’s “How to Get the Job You Want - Even When No One’s Hiring” which was a Featured show or one of BlogTalkRadio (BTR) Today’s Picks. This show was really good. Click here: to listen to this podcast.
