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2021 - Reference Solutions presentation by Kipp Lifson & Mike Ray

Kipp Lifson and Mike Ray have put on many presentations over the past few years on Reference Solutions (the program used to be called ReferenceUSA).

In Career Transition? Looking for companies that were in the same industry as your previous employer? Are you looking to transition into a new area and want to identify target companies? Not sure how to identify these companies? Do you desire to work in a specific city or state?

See how to use this tool to find companies.


 From the CareerUSA YouTube channel: 

8/13/2021 - North Dallas / Plano Career Focus Group Presentation (presentation starts about 35 min into the video) 

9/25/2020 - North Dallas / Plano Career Focus Group Presentation (presentation starts about 30 min into the video) 

Click here for the pdf version of the PowerPoint presentation

Click here for the pdf version of the PowerPoint presentation (with notes)