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Preparing for a Job Fair


Preparing for a Job Fair

  • Research the companies participating in the job fair. Learn about their products/services.
  • Prioritize the employers you're most interested in. Try out your greeting and introduction on two or three that are near the bottom of your list, so you will have a chance to overcome any nervousness before you approach your top choices.
  • Be prepared - Bring several copies of your resume and list of references with you.
  • Dress professionally. Keep all colors and jewelry conservative and in good taste. Avoid excessive makeup, perfume and cologne. Looking your best will make you feel more confident and more relaxed.
  • Be prepared to ask questions. Before attending the job fair, prepare a couple of questions you would like to ask companies.
    When greeting a recruiter, be confident and introduce yourself with a smile. First impressions are key.
  • Sell yourself! Develop a 30- second "sales pitch" that explains to recruiters how your skills and interests relate to their company and position.
  • Watch your body language. Engage in conversation with the recruiter, act interested, focused and enthusiastic.
  • Take notes! Before you leave the booth write down key information from your conversation and any possible employment opportunities.
  • Ask the recruiter what the next step in the process is and how you can follow up with them.
  • Ask the recruiter for a business card and contact information.
  • After the job fair, send a thank you card/e-mail to the recruiter and reconfirm your interest in the position.

Preparing for An Interview / Hiring Fair

  • Plan ahead. Research the company and the position you are interested in.
  • Plan to arrive about 15 minutes early. It shows you have respect for the interviewer's time.
  • Be prepared. Bring extra copies of your resume and references along with you.
  • Dress appropriately and professionally for the type of job for which you are applying. Keep all colors and jewelry conservative and in good taste. Avoid excessive makeup, perfume and cologne. Looking your best will make you feel more confident and more relaxed.
  • Show enthusiasm and energy. Interviewing can be stressful - relax and be yourself.
  • Demonstrate positive body language. Positive body language includes: sitting up straight in a chair, smiling, nodding your head in agreement, and paying attention (not letting surrounding activities distract you).
  • Engage in conversation with the interviewer, act interested, focused and enthusiastic.
  • Be prepared to ask questions. Before the interview, prepare a number of key questions that you would like to ask. This not only will show you are prepared, but that you are interested in learning more.
  • Speak clearly and avoid using slang. This will portray confidence in yourself and your skills.
  • Listen carefully before answering questions. Make sure you have understood the question. If you do not, ask the interviewer to clarify the question.
  • Elaborate your answers. Never answer a question with a yes/no response.
  • Wrap the interview up on a positive note. Thank the interviewer for his or her time and ask what the next step in the process entails.