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What Job Seekers Should Do In December

Here are some pointers from Paula Calise of Calise & Co. executive search firm to help you make the most of next month in your job search.

-Make your "one-minute introduction." Prepare a short description of what you have to offer as a professional and what you are looking for that's suitable for sharing in social situations. Do it in one minute, do not drone on and be upbeat within reason. Be careful to avoid being a wet blanket; don't make your job search sound like a sob story.

-Socialize. Head to holiday parties, end-of-semester school activities and the like. Mingle and graciously tell your story.

-Carry your cards. Take your personal business cards with you everywhere, exchange cards with people you meet, then follow up with a call or e-mail as soon as possible. When you follow up, restate your one-minute introduction and ask for an opportunity to meet again soon.

-Volunteer. It's a good chance to network and to feel good about yourself – always important during a job search. And you'll probably encounter people who have it tougher than you, so you're likely to be grateful for what you have.

Mary Jacobs